Hello and Welcome! I am Marjorie, and these are my published books, so far. As a writer and a painter, I've had a life-long passion for the word and the image. Various cultures agree with my connection of these two creative forms. China's Sung Dynasty called painting Silent Poetry and poetry Painting with Sound. Going further back in history, the ancient Egyptians called those who painted the images in the tombs and temples Scribes of the Shape. Here on this page, I combine a bit of both: book covers, descriptions, and personal comments on the writing of each. Below is a cinematic book trailer for Temple in the Sand: The Memoirs of a Pharaoh. (Just click on the black box and the music icon.) Please enjoy the video and your tour!

I have been a museum lover since I was nine years old. Wherever I have lived (California, Washington, Colorado, Mexico, Toronto, or Paris, Antibes, and Avignon in France), I have been involved in the arts, its beauty and its history. It all got started with the ancient Egyptian collection that was in the Joslyn Museum when I was a child in Omaha. Therefore, it is not odd that my latest work is a novel set in the time of Ancient Egypt's 19th Dynasty in the Great Temple of Abydos, built by Pharaoh Seti I
What drew my attention was its wonderful raised relief art and its mysterious interior of columns. In researching it, I was drawn to find out more about the pharaoh who built it. He created a unique national monument where his people, as they made thier pilgrimage to the sacred soil of Osiris, could pay tribute to any of the main gods of Egypt. It is written in that temple that the king hid a personal diary in a treasury. So far, neither the diary nor the treasury have been found.
Temple in the Sand, the Memoirs of a Pharaoh is a fictional creation of that diary and a look at the man who was a great warrior, great builder, a great leader, and a person with a fine sense of aesthetics. His story is told in diary entries dated in ancient Egyptian fashion and organized around the chapels in his temple and which part of life that particular god governs.
Seti I is the true founder of the 19th Dynasty, the wonders of which are being explored through studies of the art in his temple and in his magnificent tomb. This fictional telling of his life in the form of a diary seeks to show the man behind the royal regalia and how he approached his life and times.
Available on https://www.amazon.com/Temple-Sand-Memoirs-Marjorie-Vernelle/dp/B0CHQY47YR
Temple in the Sand: The Memoirs of a Pharaoh
Editorial Review Posted by Literary Titan Silver Medal Winner for Best Historical Fiction
Temple in the Sand, by Marjorie Vernelle, delves into the enigmatic world of Pharaoh Seti I, a lesser-known yet arguably remarkable figure of Egypt’s Nineteenth Dynasty. Within the hallowed confines of Egypt’s Temple of Seti, a place dedicated to the Egyptian lord of the desert and warfare, an intriguing secret unveils itself – the diary of Pharaoh Seti I, concealed with utmost care upon his demise, providing a rare glimpse into the thoughts and actions of this exceptional ruler. While his son Ramses II may have garnered more fame, Seti I is hailed by many scholars as the paramount king of the Nineteenth Dynasty, and it is his story that Marjorie Vernelle passionately endeavors to recreate. Through the meticulous exploration of Pharaoh Seti’s diary, readers are offered a profound understanding of his inner workings, motivations, and the elements that shaped his greatness.
Central to the narrative is the omnipresent influence of religion in the Nineteenth Dynasty. The book astutely illustrates how Egyptian beliefs permeated every facet of life, even extending their grasp over the mighty Pharaoh Seti. A devout believer in the afterlife, Seti dedicated himself to the construction of monuments and temples in homage to the gods, diligently seeking their favor. Vernelle’s deep-seated familiarity with Egyptian mythology and belief systems is unmistakable, casting an authoritative and well-researched aura over the memoir. It is evident that not only is the account skillfully penned, but it also incorporates the subtleties of meticulous historical research. By utilizing the prevailing beliefs and ideologies of the era, the author humanizes the God-king, offering readers a multifaceted and empathetic portrayal. Furthermore, the narrative cleverly speculates on how Pharaoh Seti may have responded to various circumstances and the underlying reasons behind his construction of temples and monuments, painting a more balanced and humane portrait of the Pharaoh. I feel that a more judicious trimming of some repetitive elements could enhance the overall reading experience in this otherwise brilliant narrative.
In Temple in the Sand, Marjorie Vernelle crafts an engaging and informative tapestry of Pharaoh Seti I’s life and times, offering readers an intimate encounter with the man behind the throne. With its intricate exploration of religion, meticulous historical research, and captivating storytelling, this book proves to be a valuable addition to the library of anyone intrigued by ancient Egypt and its extraordinary rulers.
Pages: 274 | ASIN : B0CK2PGC12
For another review see this review on Writers' Branding at the bottom of this page. For still other reviews see those on Amazon.com (click link above).
Beautiful Imperfections.
I like honoring the places where I have lived. Here in a second edition is a novella or novelette that takes place in Toronto where I studied at and graduated from their beautiful institution of higher learning, the University of Toronto, and in the city that is my greatest love, San Francisco. Semi-autobioraphical, this piece is structured in the protagonist's mind like a movie with two possible endings. I quote the backcover:
"Wabi sabi, a Japanese term for finding beauty in imperfection, perfectly describes Keith James, "the girl with the boys' names," who travels from the Midwestern U.S. to Toronto and on into the world of fine art and big money. Like pieces of raku pottery amidst the porcelain, Keith, her mentor Lucien, a brilliant Haitian-born art historian, and David, the handsome Jewish art dealer who becomes her husband, are all standouts in a world that views them as outsiders. Through loss and love, they discover that art, like love, redeems, and that love, like beauty, is imperfect."
Beautiful Imperfections, Marjorie Vernelle Book Review
Beautiful Imperfections is a compelling, thought-provoking, and exceptionally well-written book by author Marjorie Vernelle that will captivate you from beginning to end! Beautiful Imperfections is a unique tale that incorporates many themes/genres throughout its story that keep its readers immersed from the start. That is why I would already implore you lovely readers to look at this astonishing book because it is just phenomenal; However, if you need more convincing then continue to read to learn more.
Beautiful Imperfections is an incredible book that will take its readers on a poignant journey from start to finish in which we are introduced to the protagonist of the novel, Keith James, a woman who leaves her small-town life in the Midwest of America to Toronto, where her world will change forever as she is thrust into a world full of wealth and fine art. Keith’s life is about to change forever when she meets an art historian and Jewish art dealer who embark on a journey through art, love, and loss and the result is a beautifully charming story that shouldn’t be missed!
The story of Beautiful Imperfections is brilliant, and I loved the journey the wonderful author took me on! Marjorie Vernelle managed to incorporate many unexpected twists effortlessly and turns so that the readers would turn the page with haste. As I read this book, I found myself re-reading parts because of how captivating it was and it was magnificent to feel this!
Marjorie Vernelle is a talented and well-accomplished author who has written an unforgettable novel that features heavily on its characters and themes. Vernelle’s characters are superb, they are believable, and their narratives jump right off the page and into the reader’s mind. This is another thing… Vernelle has managed to create a vivid picture in my mind of the settings she has established. Vernelle’s impressive literature captured my imagination, and made me turn the pages with haste!
Marjorie Vernelle can only be described as a talented writer, the finest kind who is imaginative as well as passionate; these are two qualities I look for in an author, and Vernelle certainly has them! Vernelle’s words were exceptional and very moving at times and always kept me guessing about what was going to happen to the characters I had grown to love, as well as the outcome of the story.
To conclude my thoughts on this exceptional story, I would say if you have been bored of late with the same old books that do not captivate you, then take a chance with this one because it is an all-consuming assault of brilliance that will keep you entertained from beginning to end! Beautiful Imperfections gets five stars from me! So be sure to have a read of the preview below book lovers, you won’t regret it!
Thank you so much for reading book lovers! I appreciate it so much.
Goodbye for now book lovers,
P.S. Below I have attached some links about the author and this wonderful book so if you would like to learn more about the author and the book then please have a browse. Thank you so much again for reading book lovers!
Amazon US – Amazon UK – Goodreads
Author: https://www.facebook.com/marjorie.vernelle/ and https://www.vernellestudio.com/author-page

Another experience of a city that has its own intriquing personality, Upon the Bay of Angels is about Nice. Though I lived in Antibes on the other side of the famous bay, Nice always held a special attraction for me.I quote the cover information:
"Falling in love with a city is a lot like falling in love with a person. You have to be able to accept contradictions. Mallory Edwards finds that out when she goes to participate in an art project in Nice, France. Tasked with discovering the soul and spirit of the city through her paints and inks, she soon discovers that the city seems to tell her stories. However, Mallory also discovers she has he own story of intrique, threats, and local politics. Upon the Bay of Angels tells Mallory's story and the stories that the city of Nice told her, using fiction to create what Pablo Picasso once said of painting, "a lie that tells the truth."

My first time living in France was right about the time that email became popular. I lived in Paris until the weather got cold. Then I moved off to Antibes on the Côte d'Azur. E-mail du Jour is a travel journal composed of e-mail letters, which chronicle a year spent living in France. Making use of cyberspace to share impressions while still fresh, it describes the joys, the trials, and the surprising changes that result from contact with a different culture. It was also my first attempt at being an indie author.
My first publishing experience came with this little reader for middle school children. Published by Lucent Books in San Diego, this title was part of the History Makers collective biography series. The series offers students insight into the lives and personalities of important figures who share a common vocation, cause, or calling. The series spans ancient to modern times and represents areas of endeavor ranging from art and science to politics and popular culture. Primary and secondary source quotes enliven the text.

Temple in the Sand: The Memoirs of a Pharaoh
Review by Writers' Branding
Professional Book Review: Temple in the Sand: The Memoirs of a Pharaoh
by Chris Anderson, Writer's Branding
Temple in the Sand: The Memoirs of a Pharaoh is a captivating historical novel that breathes
life into the legacy of Pharaoh Seti I, a figure who often stands overshadowed by his
illustrious son, Ramesses II. This book takes readers on an immersive journey through the
mind and soul of a ruler who defied the odds to ascend Egypt’s throne and leave a mark that
reverberates through time. The author’s portrayal of Seti’s internal struggles as he
grapples with the fleeting nature of life and legacy adds a poignant layer to the story.
These imagined diary entries capture the emotional weight of a ruler preparing to leave behind
not just a kingdom but also the enduring symbols of his life’s work.
At its heart, this novel is a richly imagined diary of Seti I, rooted in the mystique of his
mortuary temple in Abydos. Authoritative yet profoundly human, the narrative explores the
complexities of a king born outside royal lineage, who earned his place through unparalleled
excellence in governance, artistry, and warfare. The book masterfully reimagines Seti’s reflections
as he contemplates the twilight of his life, imbuing the story with a sense of vulnerability and
introspection rarely associated with the grandeur of ancient Egypt. Particularly the suggestion of
a hidden diary within the temple walls, adds an element of intrigue that keeps readers engaged.
The blending of historical fact with creative interpretation is seamless, inviting readers to ponder
the untold stories hidden within Egypt’s ancient monuments.
What sets Temple in the Sand apart is its meticulous attention to historical and cultural
detail. Through vivid descriptions, readers are transported to the awe-inspiring halls of the
Great Hypostyle at Karnak and the ornate splendor of Seti’s tomb in the Valley of the
Kings. The novel pays homage to the artistry and sacred architecture that defined Seti’s
reign, using his temple as a narrative framework to unveil the depth of his character. Seti
emerges as a multidimensional figure—a warrior with the heart of an artist, a strategic thinker
who also cherished the simple lives of his people.
In the end, Temple in the Sand is more than a historical novel—it is a journey through time,
an homage to human ambition, and a celebration of the artistry and resilience of a
ruler whose greatness deserves to be remembered. A masterpiece in its own right,
this book is as monumental as the structures.

Raised relief portrait of Pharaoh Seti I from the Great Temple of Abydos, Egypt, which he build as an offering to the god Osiris. The raised relief art in the temple is the finest done in ancient Egypt.